People spend a lot of money paying on interior designers and party designers to have a perfect home in every period or to decorate some place for a celebration. If you are smart, you can follow our page where we give you the bes decoration ideas and to save your money. On the other hand, you can be creative, to use all the free time you have and to never feel boring and useless. 

This is a post about ideas about making interesting pink flowers for decorating your birthday parties or any other important days of life. Also, you will see how to arrange the flowers on the wall which is the hardest thing about the decoration. Stay with us and see what type of material you need for making it.

DIY giant paper flower projectv

In the photo here you can see the final result of the project. This is a cool and easy idea that wont took all the free time you have. The material that you need is the following:

  • paper
  • paint brush and paint colours
  • glue
  • scisorrs

Follow the link below the photo for checking the full process of the project and also go and see the other photos below where you will see how to arrange the flowers on the walls. 

paper flowers decoration
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paper decoration
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Pink paper flowers decoration for house

Every wall can be decorated with this type of flowers. You can decorate it the walls for birthdays, ceremonies, for photographing or any other things. Check this arrangement. 

paper flowers decoration
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Green and white paper flower for wedding decor

I think that paper flowers are much secure than the simple balloons. If you don’t like the pink paper flowers you can choose to make green, white or any other colour that is your favorite. 

green and white paper flowers
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Bring the art on the wall with paper flowers

Take a look in this such an amazing design and wall art. You can do this my friends and to save money on paying to some designer to do this for you. Save you money, turn on your imagination and enjoy in the crafts made with love. Also, include your family or friends in the project. 

paper flowers wall art

Baby room walls decor of circle wreath made of paper flowers

Well, friends, this is great idea to wish welcome to the newborn baby in your home and to make a surprise for the mother. All you need to do is to use paper, to paint it in ourple and pink and to add it on the wall. In the middle of the cirlce you can write the baby’s name and that’s it. 

paper flowers circle wall decor
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Now, you have seen how to decorate the birthday parties walls, the ceremonies like wedding and baby nursery room walls and the ideas are the same – you need paper flowers. Also, choose some of these wooden shelves to beautify your home for sure. Keep following us for more interesting ideas that will save your money. 

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